Official Government Website

Chair Responsibilities

Being the Chair of the Council is a significant responsibility and time commitment. The activities and responsibilities, unless otherwise delegated, of the Council Chair shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  1. Preside at all Council meetings;
  2. Present policy for consideration by the Council membership;
  3. Develop agendas for Council meetings;
  4. May be a delegate at National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) activities and assist in the information sharing and policy implementation of NACDD;
  5. Serve as liaison to other organizations and government entities unless otherwise delegated directly by the Chair, or by full Council vote, whichever the Chair may choose;
  6. With the Executive Director, initiate and maintain ongoing communication with Council membership between quarterly meetings;
  7. Report to the full Council at each regular meeting on activities performed on behalf of the Council; and
  8. Perform Annual Executive Director Evaluation

All other duties as outlined by Council membership, by-laws and policy.

To meet the responsibilities listed above the Chair should be able to commit time and identify local support (as needed) to do many behind the scenes activities such as:
• Represent the Council at public meetings
• Address individual membership issues
• Review and write materials such as; Council newsletter articles and Chair letter for annual report, letters to other organizations from the Council, and help with the development and review of various reports
• Send out and compile all Council member input for annual Executive Director evaluation
• Meet regularly with the Council Executive Director (usually bi-monthly and can be more often during Council meeting months) to discuss Council governance, preparation for Council meetings, and any current opportunities and responsibilities in representing the Council
• Work directly with current members when problems and issues arise (such as attendance issues, discipline issues, etc.)

ver: 3.5.2 | last updated: