The By-Laws are the organizational structure by which the Council operates. They are approved by the Council Members.
Policies & Procedures
The Council’s Policies and Procedures expand on the By-Laws and provide more detail about how the organization works. The Council Members must approve any changes to these Policies and Procedures.
On April 25, 2014, the Council voted to implement a policy governance model to guide the Council in its activities and goals, as suggested by John Carver in his book Reinventing Your Board. On July 27, 2017, the Council voted unanimously to approve the Council Policies – as recommended by the Ad Hoc Governance Committee. This model utilizes the experience, gifts, and talents of every member for all discussions and decisions directing the actions of the Council. Under Policy Governance, the Council no longer has standing committees.
We were the first Council in the nation to adopt a pure Policy Governance Model. Under this model, policies are very large and over-arching – telling us what to do and what not to do. Procedures will tell us how we will do things.
The entire body of the Council governs the Council with two officers, both of whom must be either self-advocates or parents.