The Council accepts applications for membership throughout the year. All applications must be received by the Council office no later than March 1 of each year for consideration in that year.
Applicants must be one of the following:
- Parents of children with developmental disabilities
- Adults with developmental disabilities
- A person with a developmental disability who currently is or was in an institution.
- Immediate relative, parent or guardian of a person with a developmental disability who is or was in an institution.
- A representative of non-governmental organization concerned with developmental disabilities.
- A representative of non-profit organization concerned with developmental disabilities.
- Agency representatives on the Council are determined by their agencies.
Terms for all members are three years.
The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities members are expected to not only attend quarterly meetings in Boise, but participate in setting both five-year and yearly goals. As you consider whether you would like to be a part of the Council and its work, please review the Council Membership Time Requirements.
To apply please complete these applications:
Submit the Governor’s application using one of these methods:
(208) 334-3417
Postal Mail
Attn: Council Applications
700 W. State Street, Suite 119
Boise, Idaho 83702
Please contact us for information on Membership.